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月曜日, 5月 07, 2007

IKU vs. Marie Reyes 2 - Spring SniffLAWLs 2007

From LAWL website:

Spring SniffLAWLs - May 6th, 2007

Main event: Marie Reyes vs. IKU (OJ-FWA)

Match #2: Alicia Gordon, Kat Black, Angelica Hyde vs. LMAO (Grace Reyes and LAWLunkaLoompas)

-- If Alicia, Kat, and Angelica Win, then Kat/Angelica gets a shot at LAWLunkaloompa's newly won A/S/L Titles at the following show.

-- If LMAO Win, Grace gets a shot at Alicia's newly won 1337 Title at the following show.

Match #3: Lucky Lupe vs. Jacquelyn Archer (Dragon Isle Joshi)

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